Vote At Polling Place

Election Day is Tuesday, May 20, 2025.

Polls are open on Election Day from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

As long as you are in line to vote at polling place by 8:00 PM, you may cast your vote. At the polling place, you will vote on the machine OR cast a provisional ballot. The polling place is NOT the place to drop off your completed Mail In Ballot, unless you wish to “spoil” the ballot and vote on the machine instead. (See our website tab on Voting Early/By Mail for more info.)

The Philadelphia City Commissioners has authoritative information about voting at the polling place – linked here:

Always confirm your assigned polling place location. To confirm the polling place assigned to your name and address, check the PA Department of State Voter Registration Services:

You can update your voter registration address until the Voter Registration deadline, which is 15 days before Election Day – May 5, 2025.

Polling places are not interchangeable; to vote on the voting machine, you’ll need to go to your assigned polling place and be shown in the record as registered in that voting division. Otherwise, you may cast a paper provisional ballot at that polling place. Or, if you are certain to get there on time, you can go back to the polling place assigned to you and vote on the machine.

Polling places may change due to many factors. Keep a close watch for mail from the Philadelphia County Board of Elections, or other alerts from trusted sources.

We will post the list of 8th Ward Polling Places here as updates are confirmed.