Election Calendar


General Election – November 5, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024 – MAIL-IN BALLOTS MAY BE READY (50 days before Election Day) – Counties must begin processing vote by mail requests; this means voters may start receiving and casting their mail-in ballots (except if pending court actions about ballot issues delay this process).

(15 days before Election Day) – DEADLINE to make any updates to voter registration in PA, including address and party affiliation (important for primary). **Also – 10/21 is the Recommended EARLY deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 – MAIL-IN BALLOT REQUESTS ARE DUE (7 days before Election Day) – but don’t wait this long!! **Also – 10/29 is the Recommended EARLY deadline to put mail-in ballots into the US Mail. After this date, hand delivery (NOT mail !) is the best way to return mail-in ballots so they are received by 8:00 PM on Election Day (late ballots will not be counted).

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – ELECTION DAY ! POLLS OPEN 7 AM to 8 PM
ALL VOTES MUST BE CAST BY 8:00 PM – voting in person, go to your polling place by 8:00 PM; voting with mail-in ballot, all ballots must be received by the County Board of Elections by 8:00 PM (at their office or other drop location, NOT at the polling place).